Monday, December 05, 2005

JOB or JOBLESS???????

Okay, so since this is my blog/journal and I really need to get this out on paper or at least here I will share my decision well really it's not a decision I would like to make, but it's something that I need to do.

It's time for me to go back to work. It's been 4 years since I left my job at the Farm, State Farm that is, and the plan was for me to be off just for one year and as you all know time flies when you are having fun right...... well, the one year turned into four.

This is the big reason why I have been a little down in the dumps lately and have not really been in the mood of anything because this decision has been on my mind for a while. I knew this was coming because of little hints from my hubby here and there. Don't get me wrong I do want to go back to work, but the worry is my kids.

My four year old is so attached and I to him.......... I don't know if I can do it really, but I have come to the decision that starting Jan. I will start looking. I am going this Friday to check out day cares and maybe I will bring him along to pep him up a little about it....... Wow I feel a little bit better and maybe on Friday when I go check out the daycares by my house I will feel better about the decision.......

So wish me luck and hopefully this will work out for all of us here at the T household.

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