Thursday, January 17, 2008

Joys are our Wings!

Joys are truly our wings. What are your joys?

Maybe a nice cup of tea, a vintage picture, treasure found, quiet minute cuddled under your favorite blanket? Perhaps a good ole piece of chocolate while reading your favorite magazine....

What are your joys?

Whatever it may be ENJOY!
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lindaharre said...

Well, first let me say that people like you in my life is one of my joys! I received the lovely Valentines today and already have them hanging on my kitchen cabinet knobs so that I can see them:D Thank you for always being soooooooo thoughtful! You are something SPECIAL!!!!!
One joy is that cup of tea you speak of......and that candy cane tea is now gone and was certainly enjoyed:)
Another joy is the arms of my little grandchildren around my neck! When I am really lonesome, I just think of how their little arms will feel and it makes me smile!
The last joy I will mention is the heat of the fire burning in the fireplace on my back. Nothing like sitting on the hearth when I am cold! I have been known to bring all my paints and supplies into the family room so that I can sit at the hearth and paint....LOL

beth said...

the laugh from my children, the smell of my puppy, a warm hand on the small of my back....those are joys.

finding the fastest lane at the grocery store, feeling balanced after yoga class, and a warm cup of tea...those are joys.

I could go on forever...thanks for letting me write !!

lindaharre said... asked about that place we went with the boys. It is Ronnie's Plaza and I can't remember the name. It is in the old Target building right on Lindbergh. It is right past Lindbergh H.S. and on the same side of the street:D Sorry it took me so long to get this to you! Your boys would LOVE IT!!!! said...

Meeting new friends on blogs? I found you on Linda Harre's blog. Happy winter! Linda Shields