Saturday, January 14, 2006


I don't know about you, but I am filled with stories. When I lived in Chicago before I got married I used to date a guy for about six years. This story is not about him, it's about a homeless person. My ex used to live on the northside of Chicago. On the weekends I would drive over to his house it was a 45 minute drive through those crazy car packed streets.

On my drive every weekend I always noticed this person. I think he/she was homeless because I always saw this person in the same spot. They made their home in an opening of a store building....... They were dressed in black and he/she always had their coat hood over their face so you could never see it. All you saw was a figure standing straight with his/her hands to the side and the face always covered. In a way it was scary because it was a stiff figure just standing there and you could never see the face...........

I must have seen this person for a couple of weeks always standing in the same spot. I don't know why this caught my attention and every weekend that I would drive through this area I would always look for this person.

I WISH I could have stopped and offered some food or maybe just have left a bag a groceries near him/her. Of course, I did not have the nerve. You never know how the person will react. Sometimes I wonder what happened to this person. This person will never know what impression it left on my life. THIS person will never know that every weekend when I took that long drive I used to look for him/her.

I WISH I would have been brave enough to do a good deed. I often wonder if it was an angel that no one else could see but me......... I should have stopped. I should of lent a hand, but I didn't.........

Sometimes little things are seen or said and YOU never know how it will impact a life.........

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