as we were driving the highway this past weekend a COLD PLAY song was playing and this phrase came up and I thought why not. it's maybe not very creative, but it will represent the changes that are happening now.
THANKS again for your support. Beth thank you... Linda H. thank you and Linda S. thank you.
one exciting thing that did happen, we went to visit a few potential living areas and GLEN ELLYN rocks... it's an adorable place. beautiful homes with older trees and beautifuly kept front yards/gardens with adorable wreaths on the door. they have a wonderful little downtown with cafes and a few little cute stores. Kind of reminded me of OLD KIRKWOOD here in Missouri. Wheaton, IL is next on the list. we will be living in Naperville for the next two months, but to be honest when we drove through Glen Ellyn Naperville was out the door.
Peace out and love to you. the countdown now has begun. let the tears roll!
1 comment:
I have enjoyed your friendship soooo much and know it will continue! Wipe away the tears and get on to that new start:D We grow from each new experience and you are now "leaving behind" you are just gathering speed! We are all still there for you.....as is Mo. and St. Charles:D ENjoy all of this new....fabulous.....life you have in store for yourself and don't look back with tears, but smiles:D Can't wait to see the new BLOG!!!! hugs, Linda
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