Saturday, March 24, 2007

Here is another.... I plan on using these images
to make cards... Linda, look in your mail soon.
it's in the works just for you........... :)
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Anonymous said...

I saw your post on Linda's blog and came by to visit. So now you can say someone else reads your blog! It's hard when you're first starting a blog to get it moving. There were times when I thought I was just talking to myself! Keep at it. For me it has really helped me to sit down and write. If nothing more it's a great way to record things in our life. I will stop by again! I'm at ...... Karin

lindaharre said...

You are getting sooooooooooo good at this......I am going to have to get you to teach me, one step at a time! RIGHT? Only kidding.......but I do need to work on my skills:)