Sunday, November 20, 2005

This entry in my blog is long overdue

I am human and as like a few of us out there I have my good days and sometimes very bad days. I am a sensitive person and like DENISE said yesterday sometimes little happenings that don't bother other people for me as a sensitive person these little happenings are BIG......................................

I don't enjoy being TOOO sensitive, but I have finally accepted that that is how GOD made me. Maybe, as I get older I will change or maybe not, but I need to start accepting myself for me GOOD OR BAD................

When I am down in the dumps the only person that is always there for me and always has been is GOD. I am taking this entry post to THANK HIM FOR EVERYTHING. He is my rock when I am so in the hole. He is there when my parents don't even want to be.................... HE is there when I am sick, happy, lonely and when I am having my overly sensitive times. HE LOVES me for who I am and also the great thing about him is that he UNDERSTANDS me when I feel that nobody else does................

I am truly blessed in many ways and HE is the one that I have to thank............ HE BELIEVES IN ME UNCONDITIONALLY and when I fall and make terrible mistakes HE still loves me.............

THANK YOU GOD and I truly LOVE YOU for you are there for me eternally..........................



1 comment:

firstborn studio said...

with an abundance of love to you.
your sister in sensitive,
denise xoxoxo